"Solve my problem ........Did I really hear what you said........Oh you mean you have some issues, okay just got to rush now, will get back to you soon! Don't worry it all be fine, have faith...........we will sort this out.....!" I haven't heard from that friend of mine till today. You know life is tough, we all go through our daily grind and often faced with problems we just keep taking it all in our stride till some day it becomes the last straw and that's when we decide to actually confront it. Sometimes it is already too late and often the problem has grown much bigger than necessary. Only if it had been attended to in time. Remember the old saying "a stitch in time saves nine!" I so much wish this saying was made a compulsory daily morning chant in all our homes so that our leaking pipes, fused bulbs, pending bills, unwanted clutter................... and the list might go on longer......would have been attended to at the right time and saved many a marital wars! No I am not letting you in to any of our domestic secrets but I guess they are universal issues of bickering in many homes especially when all the members are busy with a career and many other important tasks.
Well problems are all not so mundane. There are problems of all types big and small, recurrent and not so recurrent, personal and professional, problems that vanish by just sharing it with someone and problems
that need a lot of resources to solve, problems purely of the mind and problems that are created by others.
Whatever the nature of the problems there is one thing for sure "it is meant to be solved."
In this busy times and busy world, we in India are so used to also people giving advice on every matter to everyone and anyone. The only thing perhaps you get free in this country is advice. (apart from the gifts given by the political parties during elections). But there is always this dilemma with the free advice "should I or should I not? I remember as a teenager getting advice for my pimples, from clay to castor oil every ingredient in my mother's kitchen had been used only to find a few more pimples just a fortnight later.
I have grown a few decades older and so have the nature of my problems. But yes I don't have to worry about the unsolicited advice I will get and the dilemma of should I or not. Technology has brought solutions at my fingertips.
When friends are too busy, family is miles away and you need an expert all you need to do is log-in to your computer and you get solutions to all your problems at one place. One famous advertisement always said "advice to sab dete hain" lekin ham lete kissey hain makes all the difference and when you have an excellent choice of a panel of expert for all your different kinds of problems at one place and just a click away why worry or go anywhere else all you need to do is to log on to www.solvemyproblemm.com .
Well problems are all not so mundane. There are problems of all types big and small, recurrent and not so recurrent, personal and professional, problems that vanish by just sharing it with someone and problems
that need a lot of resources to solve, problems purely of the mind and problems that are created by others.
Whatever the nature of the problems there is one thing for sure "it is meant to be solved."
In this busy times and busy world, we in India are so used to also people giving advice on every matter to everyone and anyone. The only thing perhaps you get free in this country is advice. (apart from the gifts given by the political parties during elections). But there is always this dilemma with the free advice "should I or should I not? I remember as a teenager getting advice for my pimples, from clay to castor oil every ingredient in my mother's kitchen had been used only to find a few more pimples just a fortnight later.
I have grown a few decades older and so have the nature of my problems. But yes I don't have to worry about the unsolicited advice I will get and the dilemma of should I or not. Technology has brought solutions at my fingertips.
When friends are too busy, family is miles away and you need an expert all you need to do is log-in to your computer and you get solutions to all your problems at one place. One famous advertisement always said "advice to sab dete hain" lekin ham lete kissey hain makes all the difference and when you have an excellent choice of a panel of expert for all your different kinds of problems at one place and just a click away why worry or go anywhere else all you need to do is to log on to www.solvemyproblemm.com .